Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Crossfit Anywhere Shoulder workshop 1/16/16

Shoulder workshop recap
Key points
·         Most mobile joint in body.  Movement comes from spine, shoulder blade, and the joint at the arm and shoulder blade.
·         Everyone needs stabilization exercise, some need mobility first though
·         Impingement test-looking for pain

·         Wall flexion-looking for inability to touch wall and/or excessive back arching

·         Touch behind back and over head-looking for limitations or asymmetries

·         Main ones are 1. external rotation and 2. side raises to about 60 degrees.  2 sets of 20 reps each arm, each movement.  Can use crossover symmetry or a dumbbell (or a plate if DB is too heavy)

·         Crossover symmetry-Full protocol is great but takes a long time to do

·         Quick Dumbell warm up-I prefer this due to the ability to track and progress

·         Important to do strict pullups during warmup to prep for a workout with kipping pullups.
·         Importance of building strict pullups, You shouldn’t kip until you can do a strict pullup.

Mobility-looking to stretch tight things.  30 seconds minimum
·         Banded stretches-flexion, IR, extension

·         Floor stretches-twisted cross (also done in a 45 degree (Y) overhead).  Ideal overhead prep

Sleeper-only if needed (tightness, asymmetry, or pain with impingement screen)

·         Lacrosse ball-Great for knots and trigger points in muscles
·         Roller for T spine extension-OHS prep, snatch prep.  Roll in t spine area and up in shoulder area

·         Partner subscapularis release-tack muscle, person then moves their shoulder through a range.  Tack hi middle and low parts of muscle a few times.

Movement specific technique and scaling options
·         Pull ups-low band best scale option.  Incremental trackable progressions, plus it won’t hit you in the face.

·         Pushups-Set shoulder and scapular positions.  Prefer banded real push ups vs. knees

·         Snatch, OHS-so many moving parts to look at, usually it more than shoulders at play
·         HSPU-Why are you doing these?  Risk vs reward….
Dumbell press seated is best scaling option for bad shoulders
Pike position on box, building up ab mats, etc…options for healthy shoulders
Inflammation management
·         Ice cup
·         Voodoo floss
·         Diet
·         Recent Antibiotic exposure has been shown to cause sore tendons too

If these little tips don't help, feel free to call or email or clinic to make an appointment.

www.sacramentospine.com   sacspine@msn.com   916-932-1210

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